When it comes to your engines performance & supporting systems, you can never have too much information on hand and the extra protection it affords you is ALWAYS welcomed should something go wrong! That's why this awesome new RX3/808 Centre Gauge Digital Display will be a great addition to your car!
It's a rare thing to see the factory centre gauge cluster hooked up and operating with any sort of accuracy, and the factory analogue clock, well if you're lucky enough to have a working one in your car it's a little dated - It's time to step into 2021!

Now you can replace the dated centre dash gauge cluster in your Mazda RX3 or 808 with this fully integrated, direct replacement RX3 Center Gauge Digital Display module which operates via CANBUS to display vital information directly from your ECU or MoTeC Dash on a bright, easy to read display.

Designed, developed & built in conjunction with our friends at Connexion Concepts and available exclusively through Pac performance, this dual screen module easily mounts in place of the original gauge cluster, utilising the original mounting points and features quality Australian Made OLED Screens.
All input to the display is provided directly from the ECU, with direct support for MoTeC M1 Series & Haltech ECUs as a plug and play unit.
Retaining a bit of the old school charm is an analog-look digital clock on the right, while displayed on the main screen are pre-set display parameters across 2 pages (Haltech) & 3 pages (MoTeC) for :
Page 1
- Fuel Level
- Ethanol %
- Battery Voltage
- Water Temp
Page 2
- Boost Set
- Oil Pressure
- Fuel Pressure
- Trans temp
Page 3 (MoTeC Only)
- Boost
- Boost Aim
- Traction Level
- Launch RPM
Another cool safety feature of the RX3/808 Centre Gauge Digital Display module is the parameter warnings that can be set by the tuner, which will display on the right screen in place of the clock, should there be an issue.

Key Features:
- Direct bolt-in replacement for the factory gauge cluster
- Bright, Easy To Read Display
- Visual Safety Warnings for vital parameters including Fuel & Oil Pressure, Temp, Voltage, Boost, Trans Temp & Ethanol %
- Compatible with MoTeC M1 Series & Haltech (Platinum Sport onwards) ECUs via CANBUS
- Australian Made OLED Screens
- Simple 4 wire Hookup
- Hand-assembled in Australia
- Page Change Configured Through Dash Or Via Input For External Button
- Low Current Consumption
- Dimmable Display When Configured Through Dash
- Highly Accurate RTC for Clock With 5 Year Battery Life
- Fuel Level Reading From ECU or Via Custom CAN Message From Dash
- Current Rating : 0.311A @ 14.7V
- Mazda RX3/808 Sedan, Coupe & Wagon (RHD Only)