Providing a high-quality fit unlike any other kit on the market, our Mazda RX3 808 Wagon Full Rubber Kits provide you with everything you need to replace your worn out rubbers with all-new, made to fit items that offer factory OEM-like fitment & sealing.
Don't pull your hair out, wasting time & money trying to get other so-called 'direct replacement' kits to fit your car! We've tried and tested these kits in-house over multiple occasions to get them just right so they fit properly, as they should straight out of the packet - We demand a high-quality product and so should you!
What's Included:
- 2x Front Door Seals- 2x Rear Door Seals- 2x Front Door Window Bailey Channel Rubbers- 2x Rear Door Window Bailey Channel Rubbers- 1x Bonnet Lace- 1x Lower Windscreen Trim- 1x Door Glass Lifter Rubbers (Set)- 2x Front Outer Door Belts- 2x Rear Outer Door Belts- 2x Front Inner Door Belts- 2x Rear Inner Door belts- 4x Door opening Pinchweld Trim- 1x hatch Seal- 1x Lifter Channel Seal- 2x Door Stop Rubbers
Please note - kit does not include rear hatch side window rubbers
- Mazda RX3/808 Wagon
Kits to suit RX3/808 Coupe & other models also available HERE